Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Good Night, World

The revisions are done.
The revisions to the revisions are done.
The revisions to the revisions to the revisions are done.
The revisions to the revisions to the revisions to the revisions are...well, you get the idea.


(Dancing around the studio.)

Good Night, World is a bedtime story written by Willa Perlman with art by me, to be released by Beach Lane Books in summer 2011. I've been working frantically on it for many days...and nights. To celebrate, I'm going to take a nap.

But first - can somebody read me a bedtime story??


  1. Way to go! I love it when the revisions (ad naseun) end. Now time for a long winter's nap! Gorgeous cover BTW.

  2. It looks lovely, Carolyn! I can't wait to see the book.

  3. I love the cover and can't wait to open the book to see more. Way to go. Nap away.
