Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Good Night, World

The revisions are done.
The revisions to the revisions are done.
The revisions to the revisions to the revisions are done.
The revisions to the revisions to the revisions to the revisions are...well, you get the idea.


(Dancing around the studio.)

Good Night, World is a bedtime story written by Willa Perlman with art by me, to be released by Beach Lane Books in summer 2011. I've been working frantically on it for many days...and nights. To celebrate, I'm going to take a nap.

But first - can somebody read me a bedtime story??

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Good News!

My book TWO OLD POTATOES AND ME (written by John Coy) will be used in an ESL anthology. I wonder if the grade three students who read the book will notice that there's a potato with the face of Abraham Lincoln in the illustration above? Can you find it?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I'm a published poet! chickaDEE magazine asked me to write and illustrate poems about reptiles for their April issue. Thanks, chickaDEE!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Box Turtles

When box turtles box,
They bob
They duck
They crouch
They weave
They jab
They feint.
But still,
Prizefighters they ain't.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Pea Soup

Schools and libraries often ask me to give presentations about writing and illustrating children's books. When I flew to Edmonton for a school visit, fog made my flight two and a half hours late! Still, I had fun talking to the students and teachers. Victoria School of the Arts looks like an amazing place to go to school. Thanks to Karen J. for setting it up!

Mo' Potamus

An experiment with my new open acrylics: they stay wet longer so you can blend them like oil paints.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Snow Show

Edmonton writer and bookseller Lindsey Carmichael blogged about THE SNOW SHOW


Lindsey interviewed me about writing and illustrating children's books here

Thanks, Lindsey!